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It’s completely alright to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair per day. But if you lose anything more than that, you should start to get worried, and look for ways to stop the hair fall problem and to promote new hair growth. Let’s use Ayurveda to take a holistic look at haircare. The basic principle of Ayurveda is that the body is governed by three energies—Vata (air + ether), Pitta (fire + water) and…

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Exercising regularly (but not overdoing it) is very important for immunity, because the more vibrant and active your tissues are, the more vibrant and active your ojas (vigor). Exercise the right way according to your dosha – this is a precious piece of advice given to us by Ayurvedic experts. In Ayurveda, there are three mind-body types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which are known as doshas. Since each of them has individual characteristics, weaknesses and…

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Is Coffee Good Or Bad For You?

Is coffee good or bad for you? Let’s consider it according to Ayurveda… Coffee is known to promote energy, stimulate digestion, and raise blood pressure. These characteristics may benefit certain dosha (constitution), but should be consumed in moderation by others. Ayurveda teaches that all plants serve a purpose. Coffee is best viewed as a medicine. Just as with any medication, it is important to monitor its effects and adjust consumption accordingly. Individual with strong Vata…

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How To Reduce Stress Naturally

“Stress is not what happens to us. It’s our response to what happens. And our response is something we can choose.” Ayurveda believes that you have the power to take control and reduce stress naturally. By knowing and understanding your dosha you can learn how to reduce stress. By staying tuned in to your dosha, you’ll stay balanced and grounded and know the initial warning signs your body gives you to let you know when…

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Food Combinations That Are Bad For You

I am a big fan of dairy products. I love eating eggs with cheese for breakfast. I like to eat fruits but I don’t like sour yogurt. However, whenever I see fruits with yogurt, I will buy and eat it because it looks pretty and healthy. Little did I know that these food combinations were the cause of my indigestion, which I had to resort to taking probiotic supplements. After reading up on Ayurveda, I…

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How to Overcome Sleep Disorders – Using Ayurvedic Approach

Do you suffer from irregular sleep? Perhaps you’ve difficulty to fall asleep. Maybe you wake up in the middle of the night, wanting desperately to keep sleeping, but are unable to. Or is your tendency to spend more time sleeping, which can be equally problematic? The truth is that imbalances in our sleep patterns can be very disturbing and the task of getting back on track can feel incredibly daunting. But with the right set…

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